Beltway Sniper Victims List

Beltway Snipers. At 3:19 in the morning on October 24, 2002, to be exact, the FBI closed in on the snipers and their 1990 Chevy Caprice. Among the victims was one of our own—FBI intelligence. A memorial honouring the victims of the 2002 sniper shootings at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Virginia 'You have to remember I thought I was looking over my shoulder for two maniacs - the.

Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States

The Beltway Sniper's seventh victim: Dean Meyers. The Virginian-Pilot Nov 07, 2009 at 12:00 AM. From the Archives: October 12, 2003. The pumps nearest the road were empty. Beltway sniper attacks, shooting spree in the Washington, D.C., area that killed 10 people and injured 3 over a three-week period in October 2002. The shooters chose targets seemingly at random and brought daily life in the area to a virtual standstill. Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States complied by Wm. Robert Johnston last updated 11 October 2020 Note: table includes terrorist events causing fatalities, incidents involving unconventional weapons, politically-motivated murders, and other incidents of political or methodological significance.

complied by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 11 October 2020

Note: table includes terrorist events causing fatalities, incidents involving unconventional weapons, politically-motivated murders, and other incidents of political or methodological significance.

Type codes indicate category of attacks/incidents and (if clear) political nature of organization/individual behind the attack:

  • TER = terrorist attack
  • THW = thwarted terrorist attack
  • CRI = criminal incident
  • ACC = accident
  • bws = Beltway sniper
  • islm = islamist
  • left = left-wing
  • right = right-wing
  • natl = nationalist
  • unab = Unabomber
  • rel = religious

For related listings more thoroughly vetted, see these pages:

14 Apr 1865Washington, DC13TERPresident Abraham Lincoln shot by John Wilkes Booth in Washington DC; secretary of state William H. Seward injured separately by accomplice Lewis Powell; Lincoln died 15 April
2 Jul 1881Washington, DC10TERPresident James Garfield shot by Charles J. Guiteau in Washington, DC, died 19 Sep
4 May 1886Chicago, Illinois1260TER-leftbomb thrown during labor rally at Haymarket Square kills 7 policemen, many injured; police fire into crowd, killing 4; 8 anarchists accused
28 Feb 1890Washington, DC10TERKentucky Representative William Taulbee shot outside U.S. Capitol by Charles Kincaid; Taulbee died 11 March
6 Sep 1901Buffalo, New York11TER-leftPresident William McKinley shot by Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, NY, died 14 Sep
30 Dec 1905Caldwell, Idaho10TER-leftFrank Steunenberg, former Idaho governor, killed by bomb
1 Oct 1910Los Angeles, California2120TER-leftbombing by labor activists at The Los Angeles Times building caused partial collapse of the building; two bombs at other locations were defused
14 Oct 1912Milwaukee, Wisconsin01TER-leftformer President Theodore Roosevelt shot and injured in attempted assassination outside hotel en route to speech
3 Jul 1915Glen Cove, New York01TERshooting attack on financier J. P. Morgan in failed hostage taking
22 Jul 1916San Francisco, California1044TER-leftbomb in suitcase explodes at Preparedness Day parade
24 Nov 1917Milwaukee, Wisconsin102TER-leftbombing at police station
31 Jan 1919Washington, DC3?TER3 Chinese assassinated
29 Apr 1919Atlanta, Georgia02TER-leftmail bomb sent to home of senator Thomas Hardwick explodes, injuring a housekeeper and the senator's wife
2 Jun 1919New York City, New York23TER-leftanarchist bombings kill a night watchman and a terrorist; additional bombings occurred in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, PA, Paterson, NJ, Cleveland, OH, and two in Pittsburgh, PA
2 Jun 1919Boston, Massachusetts01TER-leftanarchist bombing at the home of a state representative injured one child; a second bombing at the house of a judge caused no injuries
16 Sep 1920New York City, New York38300TER-leftbomb in horse-drawn wagon exploded near Morgan bank in lower Manhattan
22 Jun 1922Herrin, Illinois19?CRIshooting by striking workers at labor protest
18 May 1927Bath, Michigan4658CRIexplosion of bomb placed in school, followed by suicide bombing
21 Feb 1928New York City, New York00THWsilver nitrate poison mailed to 9 New York City officials
15 Feb 1933Miami, Florida14TER-leftattempted assassination of President-elect Franklin Roosevelt by anarchist Joseph Zangara; Chicago mayor Anton Cermak shot instead, dying 6 March
10 Oct 1933Chesterton, Indiana70CRI?mid-air bombing destroys a Boeing 247
8 Sep 1935Baton Rouge, Louisiana20TERSenator Huey Long shot by Carl Weiss who was shot and killed by bodyguards; Long died 10 Sep
21 Sep 1935Brooklyn, New York01TERplane hijacked from Brooklyn and flown across Atlantic, crashing in Irish Free State; 1 injured
23 Feb 1936Utuado, Puerto Rico01TER-natlpolice officer shot by Puerto Rican nationalists
23 Feb 1936San Juan, Puerto Rico10TER-natlpolice officer killed in shooting attack by Puerto Rican nationalists
21 Jan 1938Seattle, Washington10THWpeace advocate drowned trying to bomb Japanese steamer
4 Jul 1940
8 Jul 1945Salina, Utah920CRIshooting by guard at German prisoners in POW camp
22 Jul 1948New York City, New York00THWStephen J. Supona dropped homemade bomb from airplane over United Nations building; no damage caused
5 Sep 1949Camden, New Jersey130CRIshooting attack in residential neighborhood
1 Nov 1950Washington, DC21TER-natlin assassination attempt on President Harry Truman, two Puerto Rican nationalists try to shoot their way into Blair House; 2 killed, including 1 terrorist
21 Dec 1951Mims, Florida20TER-rightNAACP state director Harry Moore and his wife killed in bombing of their house
1 Mar 1954Washington, DC05TER-natlPuerto Rican nationalists fire from gallery of U.S. House of Representatives; 5 Congressman injured
7 Nov 1954New York City, New York04TERbomb explodes in seat at Radio City Music Hall during a movie showing
1 Nov 1955Longmont, Colorado440CRIUnited Air Lines DC-8 exploded and crashed near Longmont, CO, destroyed by bomb planted by John Graham in insurance plot to kill his mother, a passenger
2 Dec 1956Brooklyn, New York06TERbomb explodes at Paramount Theater
1 Nov 1958Punta Tabaio, Cuba173TERCubana Airlines flight hijacked from Miami by members of 26th of July Movement; plane crashed near Punta Tabaio, Cuba, killing 17 of 20 aboard
15 Sep 1959Houston, Texas618CRIsuicide bombing at elementary school
6 Jan 1960Boliva, North Carolina340CRINational Airlines flight bombed in insurance plot, crashing near Boliva, NC
3 Jan 1961National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho30CRIcriticality excursion and explosion at SL-1 reactor, apparently due to intentional removal of control rod in murder/suicide act
1 May 1961Florida00TERPuerto Rican hijacks National Airlines plane to Havana, Cuba
22 May 1962Unionville, Missouri440CRIContinental flight bombed
12 Jun 1963Jackson, Mississippi10TER-rightMedgar Evers, NAACP Mississippi field secretary, shot and killed at his home
15 Sep 1963Birmingham, Alabama423TER-rightbomb exploded under the steps of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, killing 4 young girls (ages 11-14) attending Sunday school
22 Nov 1963Dallas, Texas12TERPresident John Kennedy shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, himself later fatally shot by Jack Rudy before trial
1 May 1964San Ramon, California440CRIFrank Gonzalez, intending to commit suicide, shot pilot of Pacific Air Lines flight, causing plane to crash
22 Jun 1964Philadelphia, Mississippi30TER-rightthree civil rights workers kidnapped in Mississippi, bodies found 4 Aug, 7 whites convicted of murders
16 Feb 1965New York City, New York00THWthree individuals, including members of Black Liberation Front and Montreal Separatist Party, arrested plotting to bomb Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, and Washington Monument
21 Feb 1965New York City, New York10TERMalcolm X fatally shot
25 Mar 1965Selma, Alabama10TER-rightcivil rights protestor killed by Ku Klux Klan
11-16 Aug 1965Los Angeles, California341000CRIblack riots in Watts; $20 million in damage
10 Jan 1966Hattiesburg, Mississippi11TER-rightfirebombing by Ku Klux Klan
15 Mar 1966Los Angeles, California225CRIblack riots in Watts
1 Aug 1966Austin, Texas1931CRIsniper shooting from tower on University of Texas campus
7 Jan 1967Las Vegas, Nevada612CRIR. Paris commits suicide in bombing of Las Vegas motel
29 Jan 1967Washington, DC02TER-natlsimultaneous bombing of Yugoslav missions in Washington, DC, Chicago, IL, San Francisco, CA, New York City, NY, Ottawa, Canada, and Toronto, Canada; the Washington bombing injured two embassy employees
2 May 1967Sacramento, California00THW26 Black Panthers walk into California State Legislature in Sacramento carrying loaded guns to read a political statement
12-17 Jul 1967Newark, New Jersey261500CRIblack riots
12 Jan 1981Muniz ANGB, Puerto Rico00TER-natlMacheteros terrorists bomb 9 Air National Guard jets, causing $40 million in damage
20 Mar 1981Mobile, Alabama10TER-rightKu Klux Klan attack
30 Mar 1981Washington, DC04TERPresident Ronald Reagan and 3 others injured in attempted assassination by Hinkley
16 May 1981New York City, New York10TER-natlbomb explodes in JFK airport terminal
29 Jul 1981Tulsa, Oklahoma10CRIfatal self-inflicted radiation dose using stolen source
20 Oct 1981New York City, New York30TER-leftWeather Underground member Kathy Boudin captured after killing 3
21 Dec 1981Warren County, New Jersey10TER-leftUFF members murder New Jersey State Police officer
28 Jan 1982Los Angeles, California10TER-natlKemal Arikan, Turkish Consul-General, assassinated by Armenian terrorists
4 May 1982Somerville, Massachusetts10TER-natlOrhan Gunduz, honorary Turkish Consul in Boston, assassinated by Armenian terrorists
5 May 1982Nashville, Tennessee01TER-unabmail bomb injures secretary at Vanderbilt University
16 May 1982San Juan, Puerto Rico13TER-natlshooting attack on navy sailors
2 Jul 1982Berkeley, California01TER-unabmail bomb injures professor at University of California
25 Sep 1982Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania130CRIshooting attack
31 Dec 1982New York City, New York03TER-natltwo bombings in Manhattan and Brooklyn by FALN
15 Jul 1983Los Angeles, California10TER-natlbomb in car kills Armenian Victor Galustian
1 Aug 1983Detroit, Michigan30TER-islmAhmadiyya Movement in Islam secretary killed by members of Fuqra, a black Islamic sect; 2 members killed setting fire in AMI temple
7 Nov 1983Washington, DC00TERbombing at U.S. Capitol building; later linked to Revolutionary Armed Task Force
1 Dec 1983Seattle, Washington00THWauthorities prevent attempt by pro-Khomeini students to set fire to theater where 500 anti-Khomeini Iranians were attending a singing performance
31 Dec 1983New York City, New York01TER-natlFALN bombings at federal and city buildings; 1 policeman injured
1 Apr 1984New York00THWtwo Canadians arrested in NY attempting to purchase large amounts of pathogenic bacteria (tetanus and botulinal toxin) from a Rockville, MD, firm
18 Jul 1984San Ysidro, California2219CRIshooting attack at McDonalds restaurant
18 Jul 1984Denver, Colorado10TER-rightAlan Berg killed by white supremacists
29 Aug 1984The Dalles, Oregon02TER-relfollowers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh use water to infect two officials with salmonella; both sickened, one hospitalized
9-19 Sep 1984The Dalles, Oregon0751TER-relsalmonella poisoning in restaurants by followers of Bhadwan Shree Rajneesh
7 Dec 1984Whidbey Island, Washington10TER-rightRobert Matthews, leader of The Order, a right-wing group, killed in raid by federal agents
25 Dec 1984Pensacola, Florida00TER-rightthree abortion clinics bombed
1 Apr 1985New York City, New York00THWletter writer threatens to contaminate New York City's water reservoirs with plutonium unless charges against Bernhard Goetz are dropped; testing was announced to have detected femtocurie levels of plutonium in the water on 26 July
13 May 1985Philadelphia, Pennsylvania110CRIpolice assault on headquarters of radical black group Move starts fire
15 May 1985Berkeley, California01TER-unabmail bomb injures student at University of California
15 Aug 1985Paterson, New Jersey01TERTscherim Soobzokov, alleged Nazi war criminal, injured by bombing possibly linked to JDL; died 6 Sep
11 Oct 1985Santa Ana, California10TERAlex Odah, officer of American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, killed by bombing possibly linked to JDL
15 Nov 1985Ann Arbor, Michigan02TER-unabbombing injures two
11 Dec 1985Sacramento, California10TER-unabUnabomber bomb kills Hugh Scrutton, a computer store owner, with bomb in paper bag behind store
16 May 1986Cokeville, Wyoming279TER-righttwo Aryan Nation members take 150 students and teachers hostage at an elementary school; bomb accidentally explodes, killing one terrorist and injuring many children; second terrorist commits suicide
5 Aug 1986Chicago, Illinois00THWmembers of Libyan-linked street gang El Rukn arrested attempting to obtain SAM to attack an aircraft at O'Hare IAP
20 Aug 1986Edmond, Oklahoma156CRIshooting attack by postal employee at post office
5 Sep 1986New York City, New York030TERtear gas bomb set off 5 minutes before end of Russian dance troupe performance at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House by Jewish extremists
29 Sep 1986Coeur d'Alene, Idaho00TER-rightfour bombs explode in Coeur d'Alene, at department store, restaurant, federal building, and armed forces recruiting station, set by Bruder Scheigen Strike Force II
28 Oct 1986Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico01TER-natlMacheteros bombings at military facilities
1 Dec 1986Arizona00THW6 members of Arizona Patriots indicted for planned bombings of the Phoenix ADL regional office, a Phoenix synagogue, the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, and the Ogden Utah IRS facility
14 Dec 1986New York City, New York00THWDennis Malvasi sets bomb in Planned Parenthood building in Manhattan, leaving rental agent handcuffed nearby; bomb fizzles
31 Dec 1986San Juan, Puerto Rico97140CRIthree employees set fire in Dupont Plaza Hotel; most fatalities were in the hotel casino; the employees were in a labor dispute with the hotel's management
20 Feb 1987Salt Lake City, Utah01TER-unabbombing injures computer store owner
1 Apr 1987Atlantic City, New Jersey00THWapparent Islamic terrorist plot to bomb Atlantic City casinos called off due to alerted authorities
23 Oct 1987Vermont00THWLebanese national and two others, all members of Syrian Socialist National Party, arrested attempting to enter Vermont from Canada with bomb components
29 Nov 1987Livermore, California00THWbomb exploded in parking lot of Sandia National Laboratories
12 Apr 1988New Jersey00THWYu Kikumura, member of Japanese Red Army, arrested in New Jersey with bombs to be detonated in Manhattan 3 days later
10 Nov 1988Norwalk, Connecticut00THWanimal rights activist arrested leaving pipe bomb at U.S. Surgical Corporation
17 Jan 1989Stockton, California630CRIshooting attack on children in playground of elementary school; gunman then fatally shot himself
10 Mar 1989San Diego, California00TER-islmpipe-bomb exploded in van of Sharon Lee Rogers, wife of U.S.S. Vincennes captain, planted by pro-Iranian terrorists
13 Mar 1989Philadelphia, Pennsylvania00THWUS FDA inspectors in Philadelphia discover two grapes laced with minimal amounts of cyanide in shipment from Chile following warning telephoned to U.S. embassy in Santiago
18 Apr 1989Indianapolis, Indiana01CRIchild maimed by bomb in toothpaste tube in K-Mart store; apparent teenage perpetrator commits suicide 20 April
19 Apr 1989Atlantic Ocean, Puerto Rico470CRI?explosion in gun turrent of battleship U.S.S. Iowa off Puerto Rico kills 47; Navy cites some evidence of sabotage
21 Aug 1989Atlanta, Georgia015TER-rightgas canister in parcel explodes at NAACP regional office
17 Dec 1989Mountain Brook, Alabama11TERJudge Robert Vance killed by mail bomb, wife injured
18 Dec 1989Savannah, Georgia10TER-rightblack civil rights lawyer Robert Robinson killed by mail bomb
31 Jan 1990Tucson, Arizona10TER-islmRashad Khalifa assassinated
25 Mar 1990New York City, New York870CRIarson fire in social club
24 May 1990Oakland, California02TER-lefttwo Earth First members injured in explosion while transporting bomb in car
18 Jun 1990Jacksonville, Florida104CRIshooting attack at GMAC office
5 Nov 1990New York City, New York11TER-islmRabbi Meir Kahane assassinated by Al-Sayyid Abdulazziz Nossair
25 Feb 1991Brooklyn, New York10TER-islmMustafa Shalabi killed in Brooklyn by Islamic group members
16 Oct 1991Killeen, Texas2420CRIshooting attack at Luby's restaurant
1 Mar 1992Minnesota00THWMinnesota Patriots Council plots to assassinate law enforcement officials using ricin
26 Mar 1992Franklin Lakes, New Jersey10TER-islmParivash Rafizadeh, wife of former senior officer in Iranian Shah's SAVAK, shot near her home
19 Apr 1992Ruby Ridge, Idaho20CRIfederal marshals in shootout with white supremacist Randy Weaver in Idaho kill his wife and son
27 Apr-2 May 1992Los Angeles, California584000CRIblack riots following not guilty verdict in trial of four policemen for beating black offender
1 May 1992Olivehurt, California410CRIshooting attack at high school
25 Jan 1993Langley, Virginia23TER-islmMir Amail Kansi, an Afghan Islamist, shot several CIA employees in cars in front of CIA headquarters
26 Feb 1993New York City, New York61040TER-islmtruck bombing in garage of World Trade Center
28 Feb 1993Waco, Texas8625CRIBranch Davidian cult members kill 4 ATF agents, injure 16, when agents raided their compound in Waco, TX; 10 cult members killed; compound was sieged until 19 Apr when another raid was attempted and the compound burned down
10 Mar 1993Pensacola, Florida10TER-rightabortionist David Gunn shot and killed by abortion opponent
22 Jun 1993Tiburon, California01TER-unabbomb injures scientist from University of California
24 Jun 1993New Haven, Connecticut01TER-unabbomb injures professor at Yale University
24 Jun 1993New York City, New York00THWSheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and others arrested for role in World Trade Center bombing, thwarting plans to bomb United Nation Headquarters, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Holland Tunnel, the George Washington Bridge, and FBI offices in New York City
1 Jul 1993Los Angeles, California00THWFBI arrests skinheads planning to machine gun worshippers at First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles in hopes of starting a race war
19 Aug 1993Wichita, Kansas01TER-rightabortionist George Tiller shot and injured at an abortion clinic
14 Dec 1993Garden City, New York619TER-leftColin Ferguson shot and killed 6, injured 17 on Long Island train, professing hatred of whites
1 Mar 1994New York City, New York13TER-islmgunman fires at van of Orthodox Jewish students at the Brooklyn Bridge
26 Apr 1994Colorado Springs, Colorado11CRImail bomb kills man and injures his wife
20 Jun 1994Fairchild AFB, Washington422CRIshooting attack at base hospital
29 Jul 1994Pensacola, Florida21TER-rightabortion opponent shot and killed abortionist and his bodyguard and injured abortionist's wife
12 Sep 1994Washington, DC10TERFrank Corder flew Cessna from MD into White House, striking tree near President's bedroom, killing himself and causing damage to White House
29 Oct 1994Washington, DC00THWlone gunman with semi-automatic weapon fires shots at White House from sidewalk in front on Pennsylvania Avenue
10 Dec 1994North Caldwell, New Jersey10TER-unabUnabomber mail bomb kills New York advertising executive Thomas Mosser
30 Dec 1994Brookline, Massachusetts25TER-rightgunman kills 2 abortion clinic workers in MA, then drives to Norfolk, VA, and fires on clinic before arrest
19 Apr 1995Oklahoma City, Oklahoma169675TER-righttruck bombing of federal building, causing partial collapse
24 Apr 1995Sacramento, California10TER-unabUnabomber mail bomb kills Gilbert Murray, president of California Forestry Assn., at office
1 May 1995Washington, DC02THWman with unloaded gun scales White House fence; jumper and Secret Service agent shot and injured by another guard
12 Sep 1995Essex, Maryland50CRIcar bombing at shopping mall, apparent murder plot
10 Oct 1995Hyder, Arizona1100CRIAmtrak train derailed near Hyder, AZ, by sabotage to tracks with nearby note claiming responsibility by Sons of Gestapo, later attributed to railroad employee
23 Dec 1995Arkansas10THWThomas Lewis Lavy arrested in Arkansas for possession of ricin, a biotoxin; Lavy commits suicide the next day
27 Feb 1996Houston, Texas01CRIradioactive source theft
1 Jun 1996New York00THWseveral individuals arrested in plot to kill Republican officials; seized weapons included radioactive materials
1 Jun 1996New York00THWseveral individuals arrested in New York planning to kill Republican officials; seized weapons included radioactive materials
17 Jul 1996East Moriches, New York2300ACC?mid-air explosion of TWA 800, attribution to accidental explosion has been disputed; victims included 20 children and 38 French citizens
27 Jul 1996Atlanta, Georgia2110TER-rightpipe bomb explodes in park at night concert at Summer Olympic Games; 1 killed, 1 died nearby of heart attack
2 Jan 1997multiple00TERletter bombs received at Egyptian newspaper offices in Washington, DC, New York City, and a prison in Leavenworth Kansas; similar device exploded at Egyptian newspaper office in London, UK, injuring 2 guards
22 Feb 1997Atlanta, Georgia04TER-rightbomb explodes in Atlanta, GA, nightclub frequented by homosexuals; 4 injured
24 Feb 1997New York City, New York26TER-islmlone Palestinian gunman fired on tourists on observation deck of Empire State Building; Danish national was killed and other tourists injured before gunman killed himself
26 Mar 1997Rancho Sante Fe, California390CRIdiscovery of mass suicide by 39 members of Heaven's Gate cult, tied by cult members to Comet Hale-Bopp
16 May 1997?00THWJames Dalton Bell allegedly investigates toxins for use in assassinating government officials
31 Jul 1997New York City, New York02THWwould-be Palestinian suicide bombers are arrested at their apartment while planning to bomb New York subways
29 Jan 1998Birmingham, Alabama11TER-rightbombing at abortion clinic kills one guard and injures a nurse; Eric Rudolph suspected in case
24 Mar 1998Jonesboro, Arkansas511CRIshooting attack at middle school by two students; 4 students and 1 teacher killed, 9 students and 2 adults injured
21 May 1998Springfield, Oregon425CRIshooting attacks at residence and high school
24 Jul 1998Washington, DC22TERgunman enters U.S. Capitol building and kills two guards; one tourist and gunman are injured
19 Oct 1998Vail, Colorado00TER-leftarson attacks by the Earth Liberation Front at Vail ski resort cause $12 million in damages
23 Oct 1998Amherst, New York10TER-rightabortionist shot and killed at his home
20 Apr 1999Littleton, Colorado1527CRImass shooting at Columbine High School by two students; 12 students and 1 teacher killed, 21 students and 2 teachers injured; both gunmen killed themselves
10 Aug 1999Los Angeles, California15TER-rightshooting attack at Jewish daycare by white supremacist
15 Sep 1999Fort Worth, Texas88CRIshooting attack at church service
31 Oct 1999Atlantic Ocean, Massachusetts2170TER-islmintentional crash of Egypt Air flight off Nantucket Island by copilot
14 Dec 1999Port Angeles, Washington00THWterrorist arrested crossing from Canada with material to bomb Los Angeles International Airport
7 Feb 2001Washington, DC01THWgunman fires on the White House from outside the perimeter fence; gunman is shot and injured by a guard
11 Sep 2001New York City, New York27598700TER-islmcrashing of two hijacked planes into World Trade Center towers, causing fires and collapse
11 Sep 2001Arlington, Virginia189200TER-islmcrashing of hijacked plane into Pentagon
11 Sep 2001Somerset County, Pennsylvania450TER-islmcrashing of hijacked plane into rural area of Pennsylvania, following attempt by passengers to regain control of aircraft
18 Sep 2001West Palm Beach, Florida110TERanthrax-laced letters mailed to West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, and New York City, New York, USA
9 Oct 2001Washington, DC47TERanthrax-laced letters mailed to Washington, DC
22 Dec 2001Atlantic Ocean, Florida01THWBritish citizen prevented from igniting shoe bomb on flight from Paris to Miami
8 May 2002Chicago, Illinois00THWUS citizen arrested for seeking to use dirty bomb in US
4 Jul 2002Los Angeles, California24TER-islmEgyptian gunman kills two Israelis, injures four at the El Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles International Airport
5 Sep 2002Clinton, Maryland01TER-bwsowner of Italian restaurant shot in robbery by Beltway snipers
10 Sep 2002Lackawanna, New York00THW6 U.S. citizens arrested for terrorist connections
21 Sep 2002Montgomery, Alabama11TER-bwsliquor store employees shot in robbery by Beltway snipers
2 Oct 2002Glenmont, Maryland10TER-bws1 killed at grocery store by Beltway snipers
3 Oct 2002Aspen Hill, Maryland50TER-bws5 killed in separate shootings by Beltway snipers
4 Oct 2002Spotsylvania County, Virginia10TER-bws1 killed at shopping mall by Beltway snipers
7 Oct 2002Bowie, Maryland01TER-bws1 child injured at a middle school by Beltway snipers
9 Oct 2002Manassas, Virginia10TER-bws1 killed at gas station by Beltway snipers
11 Oct 2002Fredericksburg, Virginia10TER-bws1 killed at gas station by Beltway snipers
14 Oct 2002Falls Church, Virginia10TER-bws1 killed at shopping mall by Beltway snipers
19 Oct 2002Ashland, Virginia10TER-bws1 killed at restaurant by Beltway snipers
22 Oct 2002Aspen Hill, Maryland10TER-bws1 bus driver killed by Beltway snipers
19 Mar 2003New York City, New York00THWUS citizen arrested for planning to sabotage Brooklyn Bridge
1 Jun 2003Alexandria, Virginia00THW11 arrested for planning attacks on U.S. servicemen
8 Jul 2003Meridian, Mississippi78CRIshooting attack at factory
28 Nov 2003Columbus, Ohio00THWarrest of terrorist plotting to bomb shopping mall in Columbus
1 Aug 2004Albany, New York00THW2 arrested plotting assassination of Pakistani diplomat
1 Aug 2004New York City, New York00THW2 arrested planning to bomb Penn Station during Republican National Convention
3 Aug 2004New York City, New York00THWterror cell leader arrested in London for planning attacks on financial centers in the US
21 Mar 2005Red Lake, Minnesota107CRIshooting at Red Lake Indian Reservation school
1 Aug 2005Los Angeles, California00THW4 arrested plotting attacks on Los Angeles targets
29 Nov 2005Santa Cruz, California04TER-left4 injured, including several children, by incendiary attacks by suspected animal rights activists
5 Dec 2005Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania00THW1 arrested plotting attacks on refineries in Wyoming and New Jersey and on the transcontinental pipeline
Feb 2006Toledo, Ohio00THW3 arrested plotting attacks on U.S. military abroad and on domestic targets
5 Mar 2006Chapel Hill, North Carolina09TER-islmman drives vehicle into pedestrians at the University of North Carolina
Apr 2006Atlanta, Georgia00THW2 arrested plotting attacks on U.S. Capitol and World Bank headquarters
22 Jun 2006Chicago, Illinois00THW7 arrested planning to bomb the Sears Tower
1 Jul 2006New York City, New York00THW1 arrested planning to bomb train tunnels
28 Jul 2006Seattle, Washington15TER-islmgunman fires on women at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
9 Aug 2006?00THWBritish authorities arrest 24 terrorists planning to use liquid explosives on airlines to attack US targets
27 Sep 2006Bailey, Colorado25CRIhostage taking and shooting attack at high school
2 Oct 2006Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania65CRIhostage taking and shooting attack at Amish schoolhouse
Dec 2006Chicago, Illinois00THW1 arrested plotting grenade attack on Chicago area shopping mall
16 Apr 2007Blacksburg, Virginia3317CRIshooting attack at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
9 May 2007Cherry Hill, New Jersey00THW6 arrested plotting armed attack on Fort Dix
3 Jun 2007New York City, New York00THW4 arrested in Trinidad plotting to bomb fuel pipelines near JFK airport
1 Aug 2007Clinton, Michigan01CRIradioactive source theft
24 Feb 2008Los Angeles, California01TER-leftanimal rights activists attempt home invasion of biomedical researcher, injuring the researcher's husband
Jun 2008Columbus, Ohio00THW1 arrested plotting attacks on U.S. and European targets
27 Jul 2008Knoxville, Tennessee27TERgunman fires on congregation at a church
10 Mar 2009Alabama116CRImultiple shootings at residences and businesses in Samson and Geneva, AL
3 Apr 2009Binghamton, New York144CRIshooting attack at immigrant center
20 May 2009New York City, New York00THW4 arrested plotting bombing attacks on New York Jewish centers and attacks against Air National Guard aircraft
31 May 2009Wichita, Kansas10TER-right1 doctor killed (George Tiller) in shooting attack at Reformation Lutheran Church
1 Jun 2009Little Rock, Arkansas11TER-islm1 Army private killed (William Long), second injured in shooting attack at Army Navy Career Center
10 Jun 2009Washington, DC11TER-right1 guard killed (Stephen Johns) in shooting attack at the Holocaust Museum
11 Sep 2009Owosso, Michigan20TER-leftabortion protester shot and killed outside a school; the gunman also killed an area businessman
23 Sep 2009Springfield, Illinois00THWUS citizen arrested plotting to detonate car bomb at the federal building in Springfield, IL
24 Sep 2009Dallas, Texas00THWterrorist arrested planning to bomb Dallas Fountain Place
21 Oct 2009Sudbury, Massachusetts00THW1 arrested plotting attacks on shopping malls and assassinations of two politicians
5 Nov 2009Fort Hood, Texas1344TER-islmshooting attack at Soldier Readiness Center at Fort Hood
25 Dec 2009Michigan03TER-islmYemeni terrorist attempts to detonate bomb on flight from Amsterdam to Detroit; bomb only ignites, and passengers and crew subdue the terrorist
18 Feb 2010Austin, Texas213TERsuicide crash of small plane into federal office building
4 Mar 2010Arlington, Virginia12TERshooting at gate outside Pentagon; gunman killed
1 May 2010New York City, New York00THWfailed car bombing in Times Square by Pakistani terrorists
Jul 2010Anchorage, Alaska00THW2 arrested plotting mail bomb assassinations
1 Sep 2010Silver Spring, Maryland10TER3 hostages held by gunman at Discovery Communications headquarters; gunman killed by police
17 Sep 2010Washington, DC01THWattempted shooting at Capitol Hill; gunman shot and injured by guards
Oct 2010Washington, DC00THWPakistani-American arrested plotting bombing attack on Washington subway
29 Oct 2010?00THWthwarted attempt to bomb multiple US-bound airliners with parcel bombs sent from Yemen
Nov 2010Portland, Oregon00THW1 arrested plotting bombing at Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland
Dec 2010Maryland00THW1 arrested plotting bombing of military recruiting center
8 Jan 2011Tucson, Arizona613TERshooting attack at political event at a supermarket; U.S. District Judge John Roll killed, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords injured
Feb 2011Lubbock, Texas00THW1 arrested plotting bombings of domestic targets
May 2011New York City, New York00THW2 arrested plotting attacks on a Manhattan synagogue
Jun 2011Seattle, Washington00THW2 arrested plotting attack on Seattle military recruiting station
27 Jul 2011Killeen, Texas00THWthwarted attempt to attack restaurant near Fort Hood with bombing and shooting attack; Naser Abdo arrested
6 Sep 2011Carson City, Nevada57CRI?shooting attack at restaurant, killing 4 (2 died immediately, 2 died later of injuries) and injuring 7 others; casualties included 3 Nevada National Guard soldiers killed and 2 injured; gunman also died of self-inflicted wounds
20 Jul 2012Aurora, Colorado1258CRIshooting attack at movie theater; suspect was arrested afterwards; suspect had booby-trapped his nearby apartment with explosives which were successfully disarmed by police
5 Aug 2012Oak Creek, Wisconsin74TER-right6 killed, 4 injured in shooting attack at a Sikh temple shortly before worship service on Sunday morning; one of those injured was a police officer, another was president of the temple; the gunman was shot and killed at the scene by police
14 Aug 2012LaPlace, Louisiana24TER2 police officers killed, 1 injured while investigating attack that injured another officer; 7 arrested, 2 of whom were injured in the shootout; several of those arrested had ties to the sovereign citizen movement
15 Aug 2012Washington, DC01TER-left1 guard shot and injured while subduing gunman at Family Research Council offices
14 Dec 2012Newtown, Connecticut283CRIshooting attack at elementary school kills 20 children and 6 adults; shooter killed himself and had killed his mother earlier that day
15 Apr 2013Boston, Massachusetts3264TER-islmtwo bombings at Boston Marathon kill 3 (including 1 child) and injure 183 (including 8 children)
17 Apr 2013Washington, DC00THWtwo letters testing positive for ricin mailed to Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker and President Obama are found at mail screening facilities; a third letter to an official in Mississippi was awaiting testing; an individual in Mississippi is arrested and charged in the case
18-19 Apr 2013Watertown, Massachusetts22TER-islm1 police officer killed, one injured during manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombers; one terrorist killed and one injured and captured
12 May 2013New Orleans, Louisiana019CRItwo gunmen fired on crowds at Mother's Day parade; 19 injured, including 2 children
16 Sep 2013Washington, DC133CRIshooting attack at Washington Navy Yard
1 Nov 2013Los Angeles, CA17TERshooting attack at Los Angeles International Airport; 1 TSA officer killed, 2 TSA officers and several civilians injured
2 Apr 2014Fort Hood, Texas416CRIshooting attack on Fort Hood; 3 killed, 16 injured; in addition the gunman killed himself
13 Apr 2014Overland Park, Kansas30TER-rightshooting attack at a Jewish community center and Jewish retirement home; 3 killed, including one teenager
27 Apr 2014Skyway, Washington10TER-islmshooting attack killed 1
1 Jun 2014Seattle, Washington20TER-islmshooting attack near night club killed 2
8 Jun 2014Las Vegas, Nevada50TER-rightshooting attack at restaurant and store; 3 killed, including 2 police officers; both shooters killed themselves
25 Jun 2014East Orange, New Jersey10TER-islmshooting attack killed 1 teenager
12 Sep 2014Blooming Grove, Pennsylvania11TER-rightshooting attack on police officers; shooter evaded a manhunt in nearby woods until 30 Oct
25 Sep 2014Oklahoma City, Oklahoma12TER-islmknife attack at food processing plant killed 1, injured 1; attacker was shot and injured
23 Oct 2014New York City, New York13TER-islmaxe attack on police officers injured 2, one severely; police shot and killed the attacker and injured one bystander
28 Nov 2014Austin, Texas10TER?shots fired at Mexican consulate, US courthouse, and police station during early morning hours; failed attempt at arson at consulate; attacker was shot at by police
20 Dec 2014New York City, New York30TERshooting attack killed two police officers, gunman shot and killed himself
3 May 2015Garland, Texas21TER-islmattempted shooting attack at event involving art critical of Islam, one guard shot and injured, both attackers shot and killed by police officer serving as guard
17 Jun 2015Charleston, South Carolina91TER-rightgunman killed 9 in attack at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on a Bible study group; South Carolina state congressman among those killed; 1 injured
16 Jul 2015Chattanooga, Tennessee62TER-islmgunman killed 4 Marines and injures 1 Navy sailor (who died 18 Jul of injuries), 1 police officer, and 1 Marine, at two locations; gunman was shot and killed by police
1 Oct 2015Roseburg, Oregon109CRIshooting attack at Umpqua Community College killed 9 and injured 9; shooter killed himself
4 Nov 2015Merced, California14TER-islm?student stabbed two students and two staff at the University of California; attacker was shot and killed by police
27 Nov 2015Colorado Springs, Colorado39TER-rightgunman killed two civilians and one police officer outside a Planned Parenthood clinic, also injuring 4 civilians and 5 police officers
2 Dec 2015San Bernardino, California1623TER-islmtwo attackers killed 14 and injured 21 at a county employee meeting and Christmas party; both attackers were killed hours later in a shootout with police in which 2 police officers were injured
7 Jan 2016Philadelphia, Pennsylvania02TER-islmgunman shot and injured a police officer; attacker was shot and injured
11 Feb 2016Columbus, Ohio14TER-islmattacker injured 4 in machete attack at a restaurant; attacker was shot and killed by police when he attacked police at the end of a car chase
12 Jun 2016Orlando, Florida5053TER-islmshooting attack at nightclub
7 Jul 2016Bristol, Tennessee13TER-leftshooting attack killed one civilian, injured one police officer and three civilians
7 Jul 2016Dallas, Texas610TER-leftsniper attack killed 5 police officers, injured 8 police officers and two civilians at protest rally; attacker was killed by police
17 Jul 2016Baton Rouge, Louisiana43TER-leftshooting attack killed 3 police officers, injured 3 police officers; attacker was shot and killed by police
20 Aug 2016Roanoke, Virginia03TER-islm?stabbing attack at apartment complex injured 2; attacker was injured and arrested
17 Sep 2016Seaside Park, New Jersey00THWpipe bomb exploded at site of planned Marine Corps benefit run, no injuries due to delayed start of race
17 Sep 2016Saint Cloud, Minnesota110TER-islmstabbing attack at shopping mall injured 10, including one 15-year-old girl; attacker was shot and killed by police
17 Sep 2016New York City, New York029TER-islmbombing on street in Manhattan injured 29; additional bombs were found at other locations in Manhattan and nearby New Jersey but were safely detonated or defused
19 Sep 2016Linden, New Jersey03TER-islmtwo police officers injured in shootout with perpetrator of 17 Sep bombing in Manhattan; attacker was shot and injured
11 Oct 2016East Hartford, Connecticut13CRI?student pilot fought with his flight instructor and intentionally crashed a private plane near Pratt and Whitney factory
12 Oct 2016East Boston, Massachusetts12CRI?attacker shot and critically injured 2 police officers; attacker was shot and killed by police
28 Nov 2016Columbus, Ohio111TER-islmvehicular attack on students at Ohio State University, after which the driver attacked people with a knife; attacker was shot and killed by police
6 Jan 2017Fort Lauderdale, Florida56TER-islmshooting attack at Fort Lauderdale Airport; 5 killed, 6 injured; 12,000 people evacuated from airport
31 Jan 2017Denver, Colorado10TER-islmfatal shooting of Denver transit authority guard
20 Mar 2017New York City, New York10TERstabbing attack
14 Jun 2017Alexandria, Virginia15TER-leftshooting attack targeting Republican lawmakers at a baseball field; 5 injured including U.S. Representative Steve Scalise and 1 police officer; attacker was fatally shot
12 Aug 2017Charlottesville, Virginia119TER-rightvehicular attack on protestors
24 Sep 2017Antioch, Tennessee18TERshooting attack on church service; attacker was injured
1 Oct 2017Las Vegas, Nevada59527CRI?sniper attack on concert; fatalities included 1 police officer and 2 Canadians; attacker killed himself
31 Oct 2017New York City, New York812TER-islmattacker drove vehicle into people on a bike path, killing 8 (including 5 Argentine citizens and 1 Belgian citizen), then drove into a school bus injuring 4 (including 2 children); attacker was shot and injured
5 Nov 2017Sutherland Springs, Texas2730CRIshooting attack on church during worship service; casualties include 9 children killed and at least 4 children injured; attacker was shot and later killed himself
22 Dec 2017Harrisburg, Pennsylvania11TER-islmshooting attacks on police officers injures one; the attacker was shot and killed
22 Dec 2017San Francisco, California00THW1 arrested in ISIS-inspired plot for shooting attack on Pier 39 during Christmas holidays
31 Jan 2018Philadelphia, Pennsylvania12TER-islm?vehicular attack injured one civilian; driver was fatally shot by off-duty police officer who was injured during struggle
14 Feb 2018Parkland, Florida1725CRIa former student entered a high school, shooting and killing 14 students and 3 staff; 25 others were injured
2-21 Mar 2018Austin, Texas35CRImultiple package bombings in Austin area: bombing at a house on 2 March killed 1; two bombings at houses on 12 March killed one 17-year-old and injured two adults; bombing on residential sidewalk on 18 March injured 2; package explosion at shipping facility in Schertz on 20 March injured 1; bomber killed himself in explosion on 21 March, also injuring one police officer
12 Mar 2018Palm Beach, Florida13TER-islmteenager fatally stabbed a 13-year-old and stabbed two others, including one other 13-year-old
22 Mar 2018Travis AFB, California10THWattacker in a minivan carrying propane tanks drove through gate at Travis AFB and crashed, killing himself
18 May 2018Santa Fe, Texas1014CRIshooting attack by student at a high school
27 Oct 2018Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania117TER-rightshooting attack on Jewish worshippers at a synagogue; 4 police officers among those injured; terrorist was shot and arrested
7 Nov 2018Thousand Oaks, California1312CRIshooting attack at bar; attacker killed himself
27 Apr 2019Poway, California13TER-rightshooting attack at Chabad of Poway synagogue
31 May 2019Virginia Beach, Virginia135CRIshooting attack at municipal building; attacker was killed
29 Jun 2019Portland, Oregon01TER-leftreporter assaulted by protesters
13 Jul 2019Tacoma, Washington10TER-leftattacker is shot and killed while attempting arson attack at Immigrations and Customs Enforcement facility
28 Jul 2019Gilroy, California415CRI?shooting attack at Gilroy Garlic Festival; attacker killed himself
3 Aug 2019El Paso, Texas2224TER-rightshooting attack at Walmart store
4 Aug 2019Dayton, Ohio1027CRI?shooting attack outside bar; attacker was shot and killed by police
31 Aug 2019Odessa and Midland, Texas819CRImultiple drive-by shootings by individual evading police; one teenager killed, one infant and 4 police officers among those injured; suspect was shot and killed
6 Dec 2019Pensacola, Florida48TER-islmshooting attack by Saudi flight student in classroom at Pensacola Naval Air Station; attacker was shot and killed by police; other Saudi flight students were arrested, at least one of whom was recording the attack
10 Dec 2019Jersey City, New Jersey63TER-leftshooting attacks by two attackers, one linked to Black Hebrew Israelites; police officer killed in first shooting at a cemetery; second shooting at a Jewish-owed kosher grocery store killed three civilians; one attacker was killed, another wounded by police
28 Dec 2019Monsey, New York05TERmachete attack on Hanukkah celebration at home of rabbi
29 May 2020Oakland, California11TER-rightdrive-by shooting attack on police officer outside courthous
31 May 2020Kansas City, Missouri10CRIfatal shooting during carjacking following protest/riot
31 May 2020Chicago, Illinois10CRIshooting during riot/looting of store
31 May 2020Washington, D. C.060CRIpolice officers and federal agents injured by molotov cocktails and bricks thrown by rioters
1 Jun 2020Louisville, Kentucky10CRIrestaurant owner shot and killed during riots
1 Jun 2020Davenport, Iowa21CRImultiple shootings during protests/riots
1 Jun 2020Las Vegas, Nevada01CRIpolice officer shot in head, seriously injured by protester/rioter
1 Jun 2020Buffalo, New York02CRIvehicle attack on police officers during protest/riot
2 Jun 2020St. Louis, Missouri14CRIretired police officer shot and killed during looting of store; 4 police officers shot and injured during riots
6 Jun 2020Ben Lomond, California13TER-rightambush attack on deputies pursuing suspicious vehicle
Jul 2020Portland, Oregon0113CRI?federal agents injured during multiple nights of protests, including eye injuries from lasers used by rioters
12 Sep 2020Los Angeles, California02CRI?ambush shooting attack on two police officers sitting in vehicle

Sources:(incomplete--list under construction)

  • Australian Broadcast Corporation, 2004, 'Terrorism Chronology,' Australian Broadcast Corporation, on line [].
  • Aguilera, Kristin, 2002, 'Wall St. Reacts to Catastrophe, Moves Toward Recovery,' Museum of American Financial History, on line [].
  • Bauerle, Ronald D., 2003, 'The Bath School Disaster,' on line [].
  • Carafano, James Jay, and Jessica Zuckerman, 7 Sept. 2011, '40 terror plots foiled since 9/11: Combating complacency in the long war on terror,' Heritage Foundation, on line [].
  • Chicago Historical Society, 'The Dramas of Haymarket,' Chicago Historical Society, on line [].
  • Gooding, Ed, and Robert Nieman, 2001, Ed Gooding: Soldier, Texas Ranger, Ranger Publ. (Longview, TX).
  • Hoffman, Bruce, 1988, Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Terrorism in the United States, Rand Corp. (Santa Monica, CA).
  • Houston Chronicle, 29 Jan. 2001, 'Poe school coverage detailed a tragedy,' Houston Chronicle, on line [].
  • Injury Prevention Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health, 'Investigation of Physical Injuries Directly Associated with the Oklahoma City Bombing,' Oklahoma State Department of Health, on line [].
  • Johnston, W. R., 2007, 'Review of fall 2001 anthrax bioattacks', Johnston's Archive, and sources within.
  • Los Angeles Fire Dept., 'The Bombing of the Los Angeles Times,' Los Angeles Fire Department Historical Archive, on line [].
  • McCann, Joseph T., 2006, Terrorism on American Soil: A Concise History of Plots and Perpetrators from the Famous to the Forgotten, Sentient Publ. (Boulder, CO).
  • Mickolus, Edward F., 1980, Transnational Terrorism: A Chronology of Events, 1968-1979, Greenwood Press (Westpoint, CT)
  • Mickolus, Edward F., and Susan L. Simmons, 1997, Terrorism, 1992-1995: A Chronology of Events and a Selectively Annotated Bibliography, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT).
  • Museum of the City of San Francisco, 'San Francisco's Future,' Museum of the City of San Francisco on line [].
  • National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 2004, 9/11 Commission Report, on line at National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States [].
  • Rosenberg, Barbara Hatch, 2002, 'Analysis of the Anthrax Attacks,' Federation of American Scientists, on line [].
  • Torok, T. J., et ali, Aug. 1997, 'A large community outbreak of salmonellosis caused by intentional contamination of restaurant salad bars,' JAMA, 278:389-395.
  • Vetter, Harold J., and Gary R. Perlstein, 1991, Perspectives on Terrorism, Brooks/Cole Publ. Co. (Pacific Grove, CA).
  • news reports
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Last modified 11 October 2020.
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D.C. SNIPER TERROR: 'This guy is good, but not as a shooter' ^ | Tuesday, October 15, 2002 | Jon Dougherty

Posted on 10/15/2002 12:31:51 AM PDT by JohnHuang2

A small-arms expert trained in sniper tactics says he believes the shooter currently terrorizing the D.C. area is very capable, but not because of shooting abilities – because he has yet to be captured.

'This guy is good, but not as a shooter,' says Charles Cutshaw, a technical small-arms and tactics writer for several publications, including Jane's Information Group.

'One-hundred-yard shots are nothing,' Cutshaw said in an interview. 'He is good at tactics. I believe he selects his location days in advance. He reconnoiters the site and selects a good 'hide' – a place that affords him cover and concealment, as well as an escape route. Then he takes his shot.'

In each of the 10 shootings thus far, only one shot has been fired – in accordance with the sniper's credo: 'One shot, one kill.' Eight of the 10 victims struck were killed.

If accurate, Cutshaw's theory would explain why police have few solid leads and why the sniper has been successful in eluding capture. His theory would be even more remarkable if there were more than one sniper, as police believe may be the case.

'Whoever this is, he's had some kind of [sniper] training,' Cutshaw said. Another hint: The shooter is leaving no brass bullet casings behind, he says, noting that snipers are trained to pick up their brass, as well as leave no other clues to their identity or shooting location behind.

The primary physical evidence police have are the bullets themselves. Authorities have said most of the shooting victims were struck with .223-caliber ammunition.

Cutshaw said the lack of brass casings at crime scenes may indicate the sniper is using a bolt-action rifle, in which he would not eject the shell casing at all. However, he said, if the shooter is using a semi-automatic rifle, he could have it fitted with a 'brass catcher' – a device that fits on a semi-automatic rifle and catches the brass casings as the weapon ejects them.

'Somebody has trained him not to leave physical evidence,' said Cutshaw.

Also, he added, 'the fact that nobody sees this guy means he is carefully picking his targets.'

The New York Post reported over the weekend that police may in fact have a videotape identifying the shooter. A surveillance camera may have caught the sniper in action in the Wednesday shooting at a Manassas gas station, the report said.

The paper reported Hobert Epps, a 36-year-old Georgia man detained by investigators near the scene of Friday's shooting, said police compared his face with a photo from the tape. Epps said officers told him a wallet-sized image was taken from a surveillance camera near the crime scene.

Cutshaw was skeptical, however.

'I'd be very surprised if a surveillance camera picked him up,' he said. 'If he's smart enough to do what he's doing, I'd certainly think he'd be smart enough to avoid surveillance cameras.'

But is the sniper a terrorist? Cutshaw says he thinks it's very possible the shootings have been the work of terrorists.

WorldNetDaily reported Sept. 4 that an al-Qaida training videotape, captured in Afghanistan, shows Osama bin Laden's terrorists are not only planning attacks with weapons of mass destruction but are preparing to kill Americans with drive-by shootings and home break-ins, through ambushes of law-enforcement officers and targeted assassinations on golf courses.

Meanwhile, the Post also reported yesterday that cops have retreated somewhat from their initial belief that the shooter may only be a 'sniper wannabe' – someone who is fascinated with the sniper subculture but has only limited sniper skills – because of the Manassas attack.

Last Wednesday, the sniper shot and killed Dean Myers, 53, from a distance of around 150 yards – a difficult shot, police said, because Meyers was hit in the head by a bullet that threaded a tight corridor between two fuel-pump islands, said the paper.

Beltway Sniper Victims List Picture

Cutshaw even opined that the Beltway sniper, as he is being called, may never be captured, unless he gives himself up.

That viewpoint was shared by a 31-year Marine Scout Sniper veteran, the details of which were included in a column penned by Capitol Hill Blue's Doug Thompson yesterday.

'He won't get caught,' the Marine sniper vet – who was not named – said. 'He will have to quit on his own or turn himself in.'

The veteran also voiced concern over a theory now under consideration by police and federal officials – that the shooter or shooters were trained in the U.S. military.

He said the Manassas shooting 'was the work of a pro. Well-planned, scoped out. I'm starting to think this guy was trained by one of the services.'

Police have asked the Defense Department to check various armed forces' sniper schools for information about former students, rejected applicants or students kicked out for psychological problems, the New York Post said yesterday.

Over the weekend, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., badgered the National Rifle Association for opposing a bill he has authored calling for a national database of 'ballistic fingerprints' for every firearm sold.

Each firearm would be test-fired by gun makers before they are sold, with the bullet 'fingerprints' put into a federal database.

'We let our police use human fingerprints; why don't we let our police use the fingerprint that guns and bullets make?' asked Schumer.

Cutshaw said he is disappointed by some lawmakers' calls for stricter laws against so-called 'sniper rifles,' mostly because he says they are – perhaps intentionally – misrepresenting certain weapons for political gain.

Beltway Sniper Victims List

'The call is already going to ban sniper rifles, but what's a 'sniper rifle'?' he said. 'It could be any rifle with a scope on it.

'You don't need a true sniper rifle for shots at 100 yards or so,' he continued. 'Any rifle with open sights will do. I can take those kinds of shots with most [semi-automatic] rifles on the market now.'

TOPICS:Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland; US: Virginia
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Quote of the Day by friendly

1posted on 10/15/2002 12:31:51 AM PDTby JohnHuang2
To: JohnHuang2
'He won't get caught,' the Marine sniper vet – who was not named – said. 'He will have to quit on his own or turn himself in.'
That's a scary thought.
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If this latest shooting occured after dark, as it appeared to, I'm surprised that no one noticed a muzzel flash.
3posted on 10/15/2002 12:52:18 AM PDTby alaskanfan
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Good point.
4posted on 10/15/2002 12:53:01 AM PDTby JohnHuang2
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How far away did they think he was this time?
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ping...they say maybe it is a terrorist
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No! Ya think!?
8posted on 10/15/2002 2:10:00 AM PDTby FreedomPoster
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'But is the sniper a terrorist? Cutshaw says he thinks it's very possible the shootings have been the work of terrorists.'

I believe this as well.

al-Qaida terrorists, that is.

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Learn how to be a sniper. I say an intelligent person could pick up a lot just from these sniper books and videos. Would not even have to be trained much.
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Take a look at the movie titled 'Enemy At the Gate'. It's about Vassily Saitsev, a Russian WWII sniper. He killed close to 300 Germans with shots to the head. The Germans called in their best to hunt him down, but were never able to.

My own opinion is that this sniper is somehow associated with Al Queda, and is just a warning of things to come.

The enemy has sneaked into our country while our government turned a blind eye to the absense of our borders. The chicks have come home to roost.

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local news this morning is saying some witness(es) saw the shooter (get out of the vehicle and take the shot, I think - I need to hear it again)
12posted on 10/15/2002 2:43:36 AM PDTby sell_propaganda
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Just out of curiousity I'm going to monitor the hits on my firewall after going to that site!
13posted on 10/15/2002 2:52:59 AM PDTby Caipirabob
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yep, that's what they said
pretty decent eyewitness accounts this time apparently
tonight may have been his slip up; I was trying to guess his next location and I thought he would have have gone outside the current range, but he stayed inside -- he's got seriously pumped over the weekend
14posted on 10/15/2002 2:58:53 AM PDTby sell_propaganda
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Learn how to be a sniper.

It seems logical to me that if these guys spent years learning how to do their deeds of 9-11, they could have also spent time learning to shoot. There could be other cells in other cities ready to do the same thing.

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If this latest shooting occured after dark, as it appeared to, I'm surprised that no one noticed a muzzel flash.


He's probably beacketed by stuff that hides his position and the muzzle flash. Unless you know where to look, you won't see it.

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I am concerned that this is a 'test-run' for similar attacks during the Christmas Shopping season at various locations around the country. Attacks like these in various metropolitan/suburban areas would have a very negative effect, I think.
The shooters are proving that they cannot be identified nor stopped, and thus, when the shooting starts at other locations, there goes the retail economy.
How many Al-Quaeda cells are estimated to be already here and in place? In what areas? How much is being learned by these from the reaction to and the coverage of the present snipers?
What defense do we have? Nada!

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Sniper'You don't need a true sniper rifle for shots at 100 yards or so,' he continued. 'Any rifle with open sights will do. I can take those kinds of shots with most [semi-automatic] rifles on the market now.'

I'm not sure why the 'semiautomtic' parenthetical was added. You can take accurate 100 yard shots with a good Civil War era design black powder rifle.

18posted on 10/15/2002 4:01:27 AM PDTby RogueIsland
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His shots are not remarkable. They don't have to be considering the victims and the randomness of his attacks. What concerns me most is that he seems to be working with others, perhaps a driver or spotter. I wonder if police are monitoring CB traffic in the area as there is likely to be some means of radio communication if there is a group involved.
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He'll be caught, IMHO. Police and federal authorities often find out who perpetrates a crime and then, the perp mysteriously 'disappears.' I suspect they'll never let this guy see the inside of a courtroom.
If he screws up, however, and is exposed in public, then the authorities will be deprived of private vengeance. Count on this: if he keeps it up, they'll get him.
20posted on 10/15/2002 4:14:35 AM PDTby mywholebodyisaweapon
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Beltway Sniper Victims List