After installing the Bluestacks Application on the computer, go to the download folder and then go to the root file folder for the BlueStacks application now. You will see three files over there. For most, you need to close the Bluestacks application from accessing the internet, right-click on it and run as an administrator. Bluestacks app player is a great tool for allowing you to run your favourite mobile apps and games in fullscreen in your browser using a pc or mac so, in short you can run all your free recharge apps in pc usingblustacks. Features of bluestacks and bs tweaker. You can run any android app in it. Easy clear cache and data of perticular app. Important: use BSTweaker 6 for BlueStacks 4.180 and higher Official site 0:00 R.
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Android is arguably the most popular mobile operating system in the world. If you use an Android device, you already know how user-friendly and customizable it is. Moreover, literally, billions of apps are offered through the Google Play Store for Android devices. In fact, there are exciting and handy Android apps that are loved by many users. However, these apps are compatible with Android devices only, and they don’t have Mac or PC versions. Many users (particularly the gamers) wish that they could run those wonderful Android apps on their computers. The good news is that you can actually use Android apps on a computer. But, to do that, you need the assistance of a special software tool called Android emulator. BlueStacks is one of the most reliable and popular Android emulators you can use.
Android is an operating system that is based on Linux. Also, Android offers users the opportunity to make various tweaks to get advanced uses from the device. However, the issue is that advanced tweaks required the device to be rooted beforehand. Once rooted, the internal files and advanced configurations of the device can be altered.
In fact, there are plenty of websites that claim to have the ability of rooting Android devices. However, in this guide, you can learn how to root BlueStacks, the most reliable Android emulator. In fact, we explain two different ways for those who want to learn how to root BlueStacks.
PS: You may also want to know how to download and use JioTV for PC as well as how to set up CamScanner for PC. And here is the top Online Android Emulator for your reference too.
How to root BlueStacks with KingRoot (for BlueStacks 2,3 and 4)
Bluestacks Tweaker 3
As mentioned earlier, there is no shortage of options to consider when you are looking for a rooting software. However, only a few of the rooting software actually do as promised. And, KingRoot is one of the most reliable and powerful rooting software that comes with impressive features.
In fact, the popularity of KingRoot has increased rapidly because it offers a one-click root. If you are a novice user, one-click rooting would be exceptionally handy for you. That is because such a simplified process eliminates all the hard work. KingRoot can install the SU binary effortlessly and root the respective device without any hassle. You don’t need to be techy to handle the rooting process as long as you have KingRoot. The interface of this software is very intuitive and convenient for every user, regardless of the experience. With that said, all you need to do is to follow the steps mentioned below to root your Android.
Important: You should have an active internet connection for KingRoot to work perfectly on your Android device. Also, we assume that you have already installed the BlueStacks Android emulator on your computer.
1) Before everything else, you should download and install KingRoot on the BlueStacks emulator.
2) Then, you should launch the application as you would normally do.
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3) You will see an error message saying something like; “root status error” or “device is not root yet.” Don’t worry. This message appears as you haven’t actually rooted the Android device yet. Now, we are going to root the device, and you have to stick to the steps mentioned.
4) Now, you should click on the option labeled ‘Try Root.’ Please consider this as the initial process of rooting. You are actually installing the SU binary in the emulator (BlueStacks).
5) Wait for a while so the process will be completed gradually. The duration it takes will differ depending on various aspects. If it takes a couple of minutes, don’t worry, just be patient.
6) You can now reboot the emulator, and that’s basically it.
You will see that the BlueStacks emulator is correctly rooted. As you would have realized by now, Kingroot is a very safe and efficient way to root your emulator. It can also be used to root physical devices as well. However, we don’t want to limit you for KingRoot, although it is an exceptionally handy process. That means we are going to offer you an alternative method to root the emulator. In this case, we will be using a tool called BS Tweaker. The steps on how to root BlueStacks using BS Tweaker are mentioned in the following paragraph. Also, we should mention that it is better to try BS Tweaker if KingRoot doesn’t work for you. In other words, we recommend BlueStacks to be the first preference in this process.
![Bluestacks Tweaker Bluestacks Tweaker](
How to root BlueStacks using BS Tweaker?
Well, as mentioned before, this section of our guide will teach you how to root BlueStacks using BS Tweaker. As a matter of fact, BS Tweaker is a pretty advanced tool that is created especially to tweak BlueStacks. With the assistance of this respective tool, you can perform various tweaks just like the name suggests. For instance, you can use it to change the ID of the device, GUID, and even to change the IMEI number. That means it is a very advanced tool that can perform various tasks to bring various changes to the device. Well, in other words, rooting the emulator is just a simple task for this powerful tool. If you follow the steps mentioned below, you can simply root the BlueStacks emulator conveniently.
Here’s the step-by-step guide to root BlueStacks using BS Tweaker.
1) As the mandatory first step, you should download BS Tweaker on your computer. If you have already downloaded the tool, you should proceed to the next step.
2) Launch BS Tweaker in your computer. Please make sure that you run BS Tweaker with administrator privileges.
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3) After launching the software, you will be able to see the dashboard of the BS Tweaker. The dashboard comprises of various tabs, and you will have to go with the “Main” tab.
4) Then, click on the option labeled ‘Force Kill BS.’
5) Now you will have to wait for a while, so the BlueStacks and its ADB indicators become red. Then, you should go to the tab labeled ‘Helpers.’ You will then find an option called ‘Unblock.’ This is located under the option called ‘root for BlueStacks.’
6) You will now have to go back and select the tab labeled ‘Main.’ You should then go the option ‘Start BS.’
7) Now that the BlueStacks emulator is started, there is one more step to follow. Go to the tab labeled as ‘Helper,’ and then you should go to ‘Patch.’
8) Well, that’s all you have to do. Your BlueStacks emulator is now successfully rooted.
Well, if the BlueStacks emulator is not rooted even after following the previous method, what should you do? Or, what if you don’t want to follow all those steps mentioned in the guide? Should you give up? Probably not! All you have to do is to download a BlueStacks version that is pre-rooted. This should be some great news for any user who prefers convenience. More importantly, this is an offline installation. As a result, you don’t want to have the assistance of an internet connection to get the emulator installed. You can simply perform a search with the keyword ‘Pre-rooted BlueStacks Emulator‘ and download a solution.
Is it possible to check if the BlueStacks is actually rooted?
It is important to make sure if the BlueStacks emulator is actually rooted after following all those methods. To check this, we suggest you use a software tool and make it clear. Luckily, there are plenty of Android apps that will tell you whether or not the emulator is rooted. These tools are available in the Google Play Store in the form of Android apps. To get one of these tools downloaded and check if the emulator is rooted, just follow the guide below.
1) As the first step, you should get a root checker Android app downloaded using the Google Play Store.
2) After that, you should install the respective app in the BlueStacks emulator, which is installed already.
3) As the next step, make sure that the root checker app is opened.
4) Now, tap on the option labeled ‘Verify Root Access.’ Please note that this option might slightly vary depending on the app you select.
5) You should now wait for the app to perform a check if the app is rooted. It will take a couple of seconds, so be patient. If the respective checker demands you to grant the root access permission, allow it to proceed.
6) That’s basically it. You will be notified whether or not the emulator is rooted.
If the root checker app you have downloaded doesn’t ask for root permission, your emulator is still unrooted. If you are a total novice and find things to be pretty complicated, just download a pre-rooted BlueStacks.
Well, that’s all we have to explain about how to root BlueStacks emulator using several methods. Once the emulator is rooted, you can gain unlimited access to customization. Hope you’d like our guide. Best of luck!