Drunk On Nectar Download

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  4. Drunk On Nectar Game Download

long description

About This Game

Drunk On Nectar is what I like to call an insect simulator, in it's very early stages. It shows loads of promise and can give you a really gorgeous visuals. Drunk On Nectar – The Nature Simulator. A Nature game and an ecological simulation modeling plant and animal life. Experience life as any species of your choice in a simulated ecosystem with unique gameplay built around prey-predator confrontations and producer-consumer dynamics.

Drunk On Nectar is a Nature Simulation game about animals, plants and ecology. Play as animals, simulate ecosystems in sandbox mode and a lot more.
DoN aims to provide the most comprehensive nature experience gaming has ever seen. To this end, the game has been built at invertebrate-scale (a 0.1 mm accurate micro world) for an unprecedented level of detail. Plants in DoN are not flat props but living, growing entities that flower, pollinate and propagate across seasons like real plants. Finally, each species has unique gameplay depending on its morphology.
The current release features 11 invertebrate species:
  • Monarch Butterfly (will full lifecycle from Caterpillar to adult!)
  • Jumping Spider (Phidippus Regius, with Lifecycle upto Third Instar)
  • Parasitic Wasp (Blue Mud Dauber with egg laying, nesting gameplay)
  • Japanese Tiger Beetle
  • Grasshopper
  • The Ladybug Beetle
  • Dragonfly (Common Hawker)
  • Ants & Mealybugs (mutualism)
  • Butterfly (Viceroy)
  • Bee (Solitary).
Drunk on nectar free download
Plants are first-class citizens in DoN and expected to play an increasingly important role over time.DrunkDrunk on nectar download
Additional species of animals, plants and ecological phenomena are planned for addition once the game's EA goals (read above) have been met. You are welcome to vote for a creature or plant you're excited about for addition in the community forums!
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Drunk On Nectar full. free download

Drunk On Nectar's .

Drunk On Nectar is a new interesting sandbox game about nature.

Release date: 16 November 2016
Developer: Venugopalan Sreedharan
Platform: PC
Genre: Strategy
Language: English

On this page you can download Drunk On Nectar torrent for PC! Our website allows players to download any game for free and try it. To be honest, many of today’s games are very poor quality and pay money for a dubious product is not desirable. But if you like this game, you can buy it and support the developer. You can download other games of the genre Strategy, simply go to the appropriate category.

Drunk On Nectar Download Free

Detailed description:

Drunk On Nectar Download

Drunk On Nectar is a third-person action strategy game inspired by the ritual dance between nature’s colorful flowers and winged pollinators — the gorgeous butterflies, bees, et al. Two or more factions of pollinators battle it out in a map to sustain and grow their populations while harvesting nectar and thwarting rivals.

Plants and animals in DoN are not mere visual props, but living entities that grow in real-time from say a seed to sapling or from a chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly. From the tropical climes of dry summers and wet monsoons to temperate climates of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, DoN models the ecology and lifecycles of various species, weather changes, seasonal changes, day and night activity changes for nocturnal, diurnal or crepescular creatures – all painstakingly crafted for creating a rich and dynamic world without limits.

Drunk On Nectar Game Download
