Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organ

  1. Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organic
  2. Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organization
  3. Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organs
  4. Hauptwerk Organs
Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organ

This page shows the Hauptwerk virtual organs that can be used with version 4.0 or higher with the best sound quality for recording technique and sampling.

The Hauptwerk sample set was released in 2006 by Milan Digital Audio, before the advent of multi-release technlogy. This was an excellent sample set at the time, but single release technology is hopelessly obsolete now. This version of the organ adds two levels of unique short releases which complement the original long releases.

The Project:

Hauptwerk sample set - marcussen organs

The project aims to introduce, in the Community Hauptwerk, a number of organs builtaccording to the Italian tradition, which developed from the Middle Ages up to the 1700s.Period in which almost all the churches in Italy were endowed with an organ. The old Italian organ, usually had only one keyboard with approximately 12 stops butwith high-quality featuressound, due to the low wind pressures. The double keyboard was not heard and when you began to realize it was resorted to stop broken. The most usedpedalboard wasin sixth or 'scavezza'withvery short, inclined pedalsso thatthe tip of the foot could be used and in general it was extended to nine pedals. The air pressure, distributed from cuneiform bellows, was extremely low and did not exceed 48 mm at the water column.

Augustine’s Virtual Organs offers some of their sample sets for free, though only Hauptwerk ODFs are provided. Jeux d’orgues 2: Stiehr-Mockers is a nice free sample set available for a Hauptwerk, GrandOrgue, and a vast array of other general purpose sampler software. The church in fact has tremendous acoustics. However, the sample set maker was very effective at producing a good balance between direct sound and reverberation. Of course also thanks to the neo-baroque character, the organ will sound clear and no notes are lost in the reverb. The stops 'mix' well, but some details are lost in the huge reverb.

Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organic


The Italian organ of this periodhad these features becauseit was primarily intended for liturgy and the accompaniment ofpeople singing in churchand the pedal was used at the end of musical phrases. The peculiarities that were found in the ancient Italian organs, were the fusion of sound and composition filled with stops of the same family.

The modern Italian organ was influenced, in the early 1900s,by the Cecilianchurch reform. However, it was only in 1930, when the most important Italian organists gathered in Trento under the guidance of Bishop Raffaele Manari, that the guidelines were defined for the organbuilders in the construction of these instruments, so as not to lose the successful Italian tradition.

Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organization


Hauptwerk Sample Set - Marcussen Organs

Recording Audio Samples:

Hauptwerk Organs

It is well known that one of the most difficult instruments to register is the pipe organ, both for its dimension, for its location in the church and in the large environment in which it is placed. The quality of a good audio sample originates from its recording and, for that reason, MidiPipeOrgan, with over twenty years experiencehas developed its ownrecording technique of audio samples in order to maintain presence and vitality without sacrificing the environmental features of of the church where the organ is placed. With this technique, samples are natural, without sounding too close or too distant, giving the listener the impression of being in the best possible place in the church where the organ is placed. Particular attention has been given to the tail of release of the sample. All the noises produced by the organ are recorded, including the mechanical noise of the keys and stops that are reproduced in Hauptwerk when the instrument is played. InHauptwerk software the characteristicsof wind pressure of the organ are reproduced. All samples have been recorded stereo with a sampling frequency of 96Khz 24 Bit.