Scp Containment Breach

SCP - Containment Breach is a first-person indie survival horror game. It is based upon the SCP Foundation wiki. You play as D-9341, one of many Class-D test subjects used by the SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to containing and safe-guarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world. I have been playing SCP:SL for a while, and I am surprised to have found that some people who play this game have not even heard of the amazing original SCP game, 'Containment Breach.' Because SCP Containment Breach is not on Steam, people just don't know where to look, so this guide will lead you to where you need to go to get it.

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  2. Scp Containment Breach Multiplayer
  3. Scp Containment Breach Steam
  4. Scp Containment Breach Wiki

Item #: SCP-372

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-372 is to be contained in a cell, 5m x 4m x 2m, lined with reinforced plexiglass. Embedded into each of the four walls of this cell will be one infrared motion detector. Feeding will take place once every two weeks, to consist of 1 kg of red meat and uncooked vegetables, to be deposited in its cell via chute.

All guards working near SCP-372's cell must wear helmets with cameras mounted in the forehead, with live feeds to the nearest guard station. In the event of a containment breach, an alert will be sounded that all personnel should watch for any brief flickering movements in the corner of their eyes, and to report immediately if one is sighted.

Description: SCP-372 is a creature of unknown genus, approximately 2 meters long from head to tail and weighing approximately 45 kilograms. It has a long, thin body with eight pairs of narrow limbs.

Analysis has shown that its muscle fibers are [REDACTED], allowing for extremely fast and precise movements. Every part of the body is abnormally flexible, and the limbs are coated with small fibers that cling to almost any solid surface.

In place of eyes or ears, it has [DATA EXPUNGED]. This sensory organ is capable not only of echolocation but also of detecting energy transfers, such as the electrical impulses in the brains of nearby beings. SCP-372 has learned to time its movements to those pulses, predicting the movements of any being around it. It uses this technique to hide, either by hiding behind the head of a person looking for it or by hiding in their scotomas (blind spots) and saccades (clipping during eye movement).

SCP-372 first came to the attention of the Foundation on █/██/████, when an undercover agent working at █████████ ██████ reported seeing a creature that resembled the described “hallucinations” of one of the patients (Mr. ████ ████████). After thorough investigation, SCP-372 was captured via [REDACTED], and it was determined that it had, for unknown reasons, been tormenting the unfortunate patient. It had confused him by periodically following him and remaining within sight of him while hiding outside the visual fields of those around him, making him believe that he was hallucinating a “monster” no one else could see. Unfortunately, the patient had by this time actually become mentally unbalanced due to stress, and [DATA EXPUNGED].

Scp Containment Breach Free Download

Log of tests on SCP-372:

Participants: 2 D-Class Personnel
Location: Empty room, 6m x 5m x 3 m
Test parameters: D-1 was instructed to stand in the middle of the room, D-2 in the corner. Both were to perform a visual search of the room. SCP-372 was released into the testing room. After five minutes, armed personnel entered and ushered SCP-372 back into its holding cell, and D-1 and D-2 were debriefed.
Results: After five minutes, D-1 reported no sighting, and D-2 only detected a few brief flashes.

Participants: 2 D-Class Personnel
Location: Empty room, 6m x 5m x 3 m
Test parameters: D-1 and D-2 were instructed to stand in opposite corners of the room, and make a visual inspection of the room once SCP-372 was released into the containment room.
Results: After five minutes, both D-class had sighted SCP-372 fifteen times (both at identical times). It is believed that SCP-372 was darting around in the spots where the blind spots in their vision overlapped, and occasionally had to break cover and dart into another one when one area was no longer overlapping.

Participants: 4 D-Class Personnel
Location: Empty room, 6m x 5m x 3 m
Test parameters: D-1, D-2, D-3 and D-4 were instructed to stand in the four corners of the room and watch SCP-372.
Results: Approximately 1.5 seconds after SCP-372 was introduced into the testing area, D-3 shrieked and collapsed, spurting blood from a wound on his [REDACTED] that seemed to have spontaneously appeared. D-1, D-2 and D-4 abandoned their stations and ran for the (locked) exit. D-4 began pounding on the door before he was also injured, losing one ███. D-1 and 2 retreated into one corner, D-1 curling up into the fetal position while D-2 stood absolutely still. No activity was reported for the remainder of the five-minute test. When the test was ended, D-3 had expired, D-4 required surgical [REDACTED], and D-1 and D-2 were not physically harmed. None of the surviving test subjects reported seeing SCP-372 at any time.
Notes: Aside from what it did to that mental patient, this is the first time it's actively harmed a person. D-3 didn't really have time to do anything that pissed it off, either. Did it just get hungry? - Dr. ███████

Addendum: Anyone pranking nervous personnel by pretending to see SCP-372 in front of them will be severely reprimanded. —O5-█

WARNING: The following may contain spoilers about the game.

  • 16Old Monitors

SCP-008's Monitor

A monitor warning personnel that the chamber's safety measures have been disabled and to not approach it.

Located in SCP-008's Containment Chamber.

SCP-012's Monitor

A monitor containing a message from Dr. L. to Dr. Harp containing the current revision of SCP-012's arrangement. Attached is an mp3, which SCP-079 plays once the player enters the monitor's proximity.

Located in SCP-012's Containment Chamber.



Here's the revised version of the arrangement. We were unable to interpret some of the symbols and the instruments were basically just guesses, but otherwise it should be fairly close to the original score. We carried out three listening tests (the test logs were sent to you this morning) and it appears that the score has no memetic or anomalous properties.

Received file: SCP_012_ON_MOUNT_GOLGOTHA.MP3From:DoctorL

llPlaying file: SCP_012_ON_MOUNT_GOLGOTHA.MP3'

SCP-079's Monitor

WARNING: The following may contain spoilers about the game.

A monitor showing a conversation between Dr. Maynard and SCP-079 in which Maynard gives it access to every major system of the site. This in turn leads to 079 causing the site-wide containment breach.

Located in SCP-079's Chamber Control Room.

SCP-205's Monitor

A monitor displaying a conversation in which a staff member monitoring SCP-205's chamber notices that its cycle has started speeding up.

Located in SCP-205's Containment Chamber.

SCP-372's Monitor

A monitor containing a conversation between a staff member and another member monitoring SCP-066's chamber.

Located in SCP-372's Containment Chamber.

SCP-860's Monitor

A monitor containing a file regarding Agent Izumi Junko's upcoming exploration of SCP-860-1.

Located in SCP-860's Testing Chamber.

SCP-895's Monitor

A monitor containing a file titled 'Log.lf', written by a staff member named Chen previously monitoring the containment chamber.

Located in SCP-895's Containment Chamber.

'More of those “flashes” in the camera feeds today. I'm sick of reporting them. All I get is another psyc eval for my trouble. Fine, let Command suddenly see a skinned dog head pop up on their screen, and see if it's an issue then.'

Conference Room Monitor

Scp containment breach unity
A monitor displaying a response from O5 Command in regards to a distress email presumably sent by the former inhabitants of the conference room.

Located in the Conference Quarters.

'To:#Site Command


Re: breach

While we appreciate the concern and obvious unease of you and your staff, there is a procedure in place for these events. The site must first be locked down to prevent physical escape, and allow time to assemble the correct MTF teams for evaluation and recovery. Any subjects currently sealed in the site are to remain there for the duration of the breach event. Nothing will be allowed to exit the site until cleared by a MTF squad after a full evaluation. Any subjects exiting the facility will be considered lethally contaminated and treated as such. We currently have a full evaluation and review MTF team geared and ready to start the evaluation within 72 hours.

In addition, all outside communication needs to be severed during a lockdown to prevent memetic contamination. The fact that you neglected to do so to send the aforementioned message is unsettling. We will now manually sever all outside communication links. A disciplinary hearing will be held for remaining Command members, post evaluation and recovery.'

Hooper Monitor

A log entry titled 'fffsss.txt' in which Hooper complains about the Modular Site Program that's being implemented into the site, as well as Security Chief Franklin's operations in response.

Located in the Electrical Center.


''With this new modular site desing and all the improvements we've made, there's no reason to worry'. Yeah, an underground maze with dozens of SCPs cramped next to each other is pretty much the safest thing I can imagine. Not to mention all these barely functional prototype stage security systems they've installed.

I've told those boys a thousand times, we're not geared to handle this many, but does anybody listen to Hooper? Noooo, you bet your ass they don't, just on and on, “the grid is fine”, blah de blah. This isn't a primary containment site, hell, it ain't even SECONDARY. We're supposed to do sample tests and paper pushing, we don't have the security set-up to handle this load, let alone the power! I've had to run the boys nonstop to keep up with all the shorts and new connection problems, and we're STILL behind!

I'm gonna kill Franklin. I come down to the central power control, and there's a goddamn Agent inside fiddlin' with the switches! I start in on him, and Mr. high-and-mighty says Security Chief Franklin said to come down and run a bypass so they can run a overload test on one of the newly active cells. Christ wept, the moron was getting ready to run a bypass alright, but on the master door controls! I threw him the hell out, and i'm still steaming too bad to try and talk to Franklin.'

Dr. Maynard's Monitor

WARNING: The following may contain spoilers about the game.

A monitor revealing that someone had sent a message saying 'it's out' to Dr. Maynard, to which he replied that he was 'proceeding' with an unspecified task. In actuality it is Agent Skinner telling Dr. Maynard that SCP-106 has been released from containment and that he should proceed with the task of giving SCP-079 access to all of the site's major systems. This is backed up by the fact that the time of the message being sent matches up with the time of SCP-106's first breach.

Located in Dr. Maynard's Office.

Complaint Monitor

A monitor showing a conversation between two personnel complaining about the Modular Site Project having set up a bizarre layout for the facility.

Located in the Basic Office and SCP-1123's Containment Chamber.



Nice friggin' site. I got lost four times just trying to find the main security hub. What the hell is with this place?



I tried to warn you. It was a “modular design theory” command cooked up. Set sections, installed as needed and where needed. It was supposed to make expansion/recovery a lot easier, but it didn't really catch on. You'll get lost a couple times, but you figure it out.'

Rosewood Monitor

A monitor displaying several messages between Director Rosewood, Security Chief Franklin and site supervisors concerning the site and the recent SCP overloads.

Located in the Head Office.

'To: #Security

From: Rosewood

Have we gotten a confirmed timetable on when this damn overload will be over yet? All I get from Central is the same emergency notice. Even with the extra staff, we're having more then an acceptable amount of incidents. If something goes wrong, with all that we're holding right now, we might have to lock down the whole site.

To: Rosewood

From: Franklin

When. Not if.

Anyway, I called Site 19 this morning, and they estimated that all the necessary repairs will be done by Thursday. The other sites are in much worse condition though, and fixing them will take much longer. The Insurgency really outdid itself this time - the amount of planning and effort they put into this is almost admirable.



Please make every effort to keep any and all staff in designated work areas during D-Class transfer periods. We are aware this is a stressful time, but we all must do our parts to keep things running in as smooth a fashion as possible. We do not want another repeat of Monday's incident between D-1126 and Dr. Parks. He's still pretty shaken up, and the D-Class took three Security staff to pry off Parks, and was much worse for wear. D-Class transfer timetables will be in your inbox by 0600 every morning. Have them posted by 0700.'

Nordy Monitor

A monitor with a chat client opened, displaying a conversation between an Assistant Ross and another personnel. In the conversation, Ross claims that she got locked inside the containment room when the breach started, as the chamber door locked down and she did not have the proper clearance to re-open it. Ross also mentions that strange noises are emitting from one of the storage rooms. The other client responds by saying that security is too busy to send someone to her location, shortly before contact is loss with Ross altogether.

Located in Containment Room 5.

Gate B Monitor

This monitor displays a conversation between two personnel talking about SCP-682's escape attempt, it also mentions that the Alpha Warheads have been activated.

Located at Gate B's control room.

Scp containment breach

Dr. L.'s Monitor

A monitor in which Dr. L. discusses SCP-106's first breach.

Located in Dr. L.'s Office.

'They just settled SCP-106 in to containment. Holy hell. The mobile containment module was unlike anything I've ever seen. I've never seen Security so jumpy, either. Apparently, during the last transfer, it got loose and took three guards. They still haven't been recovered. I had to sign off on the final SCP-compliance sheet, and I was more than happy to get the hell out of there, along with everyone else. It's eerie, walking near the service areas, and hearing that deep, bass hum of the electromagnets...and knowing what they're holding up. I felt...observed, when I went near the cell. Unsettling.'


Old Monitors

Some monitors during the development of SCP - Containment Breach were scrapped, replaced, or heavily altered.

Scp Containment Breach Multiplayer

SCP-1074's Monitor

Scp Containment Breach Steam

A monitor showing that Dr. Maynard was testing with SCP-1074 moments before the breach occurred.

Located in SCP-1074's Testing Chamber.

Scp Containment Breach Wiki

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